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Criminal and Civil Contempt, Second Edition (eBook)

Criminal and Civil Contempt, Second Edition (eBook)

Criminal AndCivilContept2ndEdEbook250X2509
  • Lawrence N. Gray, Esq.

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Contents at a Glance

The Nature of Legislative Inherent Contempt Power / The Nature of the Judiciary Law Contempt Power / Preparation of the Order to Show Cause for a Criminal Contempt Proceeding / The Mandate of Commitment for Criminal Contempt / Ordering a Grand Jury Witness to Answer— the Prosecutor, the Witness and the Role of the Court / Ordering the Criminal Trial Witness to Testify— the Role of the Prosecutor, the Court and the Witness / Contempt and the Media—New York’s Shield Law / Contempt and Double Jeopardy / Evasive Contempt—What Is It / Is Evasive-Answer Criminal Contempt Tried on the Record Alone? / Admonishing the Evasively Contemptuous Grand Jury Witness / The Mens Rea of Testimonial Criminal Contempt / Contempt Traps Are Legalisms in Search of Facts / Multiplicitousness and Contempts / Purgation of Criminal Contempts / More…

Product Description

PC: 40622/40622E

This second edition expands on the first, exploring a number of aspects of criminal and civil contempt under New York's Judiciary and Penal Laws, with substantial focus on contempt arising out of grand jury and trial proceedings.

Included in the second edition are new sections titled “The Nature of Legislative Inherent Contempt Power,” “A Civil Contempt Contemnor Holds the Keys to His Own Jail Cell,” “Duress,” “Contempt and Court Jurisdiction,” “Corporations and Contempt,” “Corporate Officers and Contempt” and “Contempt by Publication.”

A must-have for criminal and civil attorneys, this title is a compilation of the author's 30-plus years of courtroom, research and writing experience.

The download of this eBook permits the user to install the title on any and all of the user's devices for personal use only. Distribution of this title without permission is strictly prohibited. Downloadable items are nonrefundable.  

Table of Contents:
Published Date:
  • September 5, 2012
  • eBook
Product Code:
  • 40622E
  • 9781579691986
Page Count:
  • 294 pages