Dispute Resolution Section Fall 2021 Meeting

Expanding the Contours of Dispute Resolution – the landscape of ADR continues to change to meet the challenges of the modern world. Join us for in-depth discussions of how ADR can grow and adapt, making the most of the changes and opportunities in the future ahead.
Hon. Janet Difiore, New York State Court of Appeals
Planning Co-Chair: Lauren A. Jones, Esq., NYS Supreme Court
Kabir Duggal, Esq., Ph.D., Senior International Arbitration Advisor, Arnold and Porter
C. J. Mahoney, Esq., Deputy General Counsel, Microsoft
Patricia D. Galloway, Ph.D., International Arbitrator, Mediator, Engineer
Moderator: Rekha Rangachari, Esq., Executive Director at New York International Arbitration Center
Lynelle K. Bosworth, Esq., Greenberg Traurig
Lucy Greenwood, Esq., Greenwood Arbitration Ltd.
Lee P. Rovinescu, Esq., Partner Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer US LLP
Jeffrey T. Zaino, Esq., Vice President – Commercial Division, American Arbitration Association
Hannah S. Sholl, Esq., Senior Counsel, Global Litigation & Competition at Visa
Cristina Yannucci, Esq., Partner, Lewis Brisbois
Lisa Courtney, Esq., Statewide ADR Coordinator for NYS Courts
Robyn Weinstein, Esq., ADR Program Coordinator for E.D.N.Y.
Charles M. Arnold, Esq., Partner, Lerner Arnold & Winston, LLP
Mark Bunim, Esq., Co-Chair, Insurance Dispute in ADR Committee
Diana Shafter Gliedman, Esq., Co-Chair, Insurance Dispute in ADR Committee
John Kiernan, Esq., Partner, Debevoise Plimpton; Former President of the New York City Bar Association
Dwight Geddes, Owner, Geddes Risk Manager
Jocelin Singer, Esq., Senior Claims Technical Examiner, Argo Group US
Shaimaaa Hussein, Esq., Partner, Wilkie Farr & Gallagher
Section Chair: Ross J. Kartez, Esq., Partner, Ruskin Moscou & Faltischek PC
Tom Downey, Esq., Director, Ireland Stapleton Pryor & Pascoe, PC
Elisa Saranitzky, Pharmacist, Green Thumb Industries
Gary M. Smith, Esq., Guidant Law Firm
Timothy H. Murphy, Esq., General Counsel, MasterCard
Kathleen Claussen, Professor of Law, University of Miami School of Law
Asari Aniagolu , Esq., Lockheed Martin Corporation
William H. Crosby, Esq., Interpublic Group
Planning Co-Chair: Noah J. Hanft, Esq., AcumenADR LLC
Planning Co-Chair: Mansi Karol, Esq., American Arbitration Association
Lauren Mandell, Esq., Special Counsel, Wilmer Hale
- September 30, 2021
- Online On-Demand
- VLC71
- 4.0
- 2.5
- 6.5