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EASL MBLC 2020 Conference: Music Modernization Act / Mechanical Licensing

EASL MBLC 2020 Conference: Music Modernization Act / Mechanical Licensing


For music and copyright, modernization is the word of the times. While most are familiar with the term Music Modernization Act, some may not realize that the U.S. Copyright Office is also undergoing an administrative technological, and organizational modernization as well. 

We will begin this session with Part One: Modernization at the Copyright Office and Music Modernization Act, an overview of a variety of projects that the U.S. Copyright Office has undertaken to modernize its processes, followed by a review of the Music Modernization Act and the creation of the Mechanical Licensing Collective. 


Anna B. Chauvet, Esq., Associate General Counsel, US Copyright Office

Regan Smith, Esq., General Counsel and Associate Register of Copyrights, US Copyright Office

In the second half of this session, Part Two: Mechanical Licensing Collective will focus on what attorneys need to know to best advise their music artist clients.


Benjamin Semel, Esq., Pryor Cashman LLC


Kris Ahrend , CEO, The MLC

Danielle Aguirre, Esq., GC/EVP, NMPA

Bart Herbison, Exec Dir, NSAI

Garrett Levin, Esq., CEO, DiMA

Published Date:
  • November 20, 2020
  • Online On-Demand
Product Code:
  • VJF5D
Areas Of Professional Practice Credit(s):
  • 2.0
Total Credit(s):
  • 2.0