Environmental and Energy Law Section Meeting (AM2021)

Welcome and Introduction
Section Chair
Nick M. Ward-Willis, Esq.
Keane & Beane, P.C.
White Plains, NY
Sarah M. Lobe, Esq.
Nixon Peabody LLP
Rochester, NY
Jennifer L. Gray, Esq.
Keane & Beane, P.C.
White Plains, NY
Energy Law 101
Are you a big “fan” of renewable energy? As the State implements the CLCPA and strives to reach its goal of 100% clean energy, the intersection of environmental and energy law is more apparent. This panel will provide a primer on “Watt” Community Wind, Solar, Battery Storage, Peaker Plants, etc. means to the practice of law. The role of the various state agencies, relevant state statutes and regulations will be explained and how it impacts real estate development, land use, municipal concerns and environmental justice. Any discussion of tomorrow must include an understanding of energy law and the role of the energy law practitioner over the next 20 years.
Kevin M. Lang, Esq.
Couch White, LLP
Albany, NY
David J. Solimeno, Esq.
Barclay Damon LLP
Albany, NY
Hayley Gorenberg, Esq.
Legal Director, New York Lawyers for the Public Interest
New York, NY
Steve Longway, Director of Buildings Engineering, Vice President
LaBella Associates
Rochester, NY
1.0 Credits in Areas of Professional Practice
What’s Happening in Water
Who needs a S/NPDES permit now? And what are the next legal issues to watch for regarding source drinking water protection? Panelists will discuss these and other important questions in light of the Supreme Court’s recent decision in County of Maui v Hawaii Wildlife Fund, EPA’s new guidance, challenges to the Navigable Waters Rule, and increasing contaminant concerns in drinking water systems and sources.
Corinne Bell, Esq.
Program Attorney, Water
Natural Resources Defense Council
Santa Monica, CA
Fredric P. Andes, Esq.
Barnes & Thornburg LLP
Chicago, IL
Christine Ash
Chief, Drinking Water and Municipal Infrastructure
EPA Region 2
New York, NY
FAS Update – Federal Regulations, Forensics and Multi-District Litigation
Panelists will provide an update on federal PFAS regulation, discuss the emerging field of PFAS forensics for litigation support, and provide updates and insights on multi-district PFAS litigation. Panelist Michael A. London will reflect on his experience as co-lead counsel in the original C-8/MDL litigation that led to a multimillion dollar settlement which is the subject of the 2019 award winning film, “Dark Waters.”
Michael A. London, Esq.
Douglas & London, P.C.
New York, NY
Meaghan A. Colligan, Esq.
Holland & Knight LLP
Washington, D.C.
Timothy L. Negley
Managing Director, Forensics and Data Analytics
TIG Environmental
Syracuse, NY
“I’ll Be Alright Without You”: Your Journey Ethical Issues and Conflicts of Interest
After a brief refresher on the conflict of interest rules, this presentation on ethics will explore the “Separate Ways” as they affect environmental and energy attorneys.
Amy K. Kendall, Esq.
Knauf Shaw LLP
Rochester, NY
Environmental & Energy Law Section Chair
Nick M. Ward-Willis, Esq., Keane & Beane, P.C., White Plains, NY
Program Chairs:
Sarah M. Lobe, Esq., Nixon Peabody LLP, Rochester, NY
Jennifer L. Gray, Esq., Keane & Beane, P.C., White Plains, NY
- January 26, 2021
- Online On-Demand
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