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Foundation Evidence, Questions and Courtroom Protocols, Fifth Edition (eBook)

Foundation Evidence, Questions and Courtroom Protocols, Fifth Edition (eBook)

  • Hon. Edward M. Davidowitz; Robert L. Dreher, Esq.

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Contents at a Glance

 Examination of Defendants Who Want to Proceed to Trial Pro Se / Courtroom Closure / Pretrial and Suppression Hearings / Documentary Evidence / Alternative Procedures for Admission and Preclusion of Evidence / Physical and Demonstrative Evidence / Lay Witness Testimony / Expert Witness Testimony / Summations / Trial and Courtroom Protocols / Examination of Witnesses: Direct and Re-direct / Cross-Examination / Objections / Motions to Strike / The Courtroom and the Court

Product Description

PC: 41074/41074E

Foundation Evidence, Questions and Courtroom Protocols has long been the go-to book to help attorneys prepare the appropriate foundation testimony for the introduction of evidence and examination of witnesses. This edition was completely reorganized to better follow the process of a trial and the sections on Direct, Re-direct and Cross Examination have been greatly expanded, adding more sample questions and examples from the cross-examination of Hermann Goering.

Written by Hon. Edward M. Davidowitz and Robert L. Dreher, Executive Assistant District Attorney and Chief Trial Counsel at the Bronx District Attorney's Office, this edition of Foundation Evidence is an indispensable addition to your trial library.

The download of this eBook permits the user to install the title on any and all of the user's devices for personal use only. Distribution of this title without permission is strictly prohibited. Downloadable items are nonrefundable. 

Non-Member Price: $80.00
Table of Contents:
Published Date:
  • November 17, 2014
  • eBook
Product Code:
  • 41074E
  • 9781579694128
Page Count:
  • 344 pages