NYC Fire Pension Provisions & Equalization Pitfalls in Divorce Settlements
In this program, Denisa Tova, MBA, CFP, CDFA, CQS, Founder & CEO of TOVA QDRO & Retirement Valuation Consultants LLC, Hon. Cheryl A. Joseph, the Supervising Judge for Matrimonial Matters, Suffolk County Supreme Court, and Christopher J. Chimeri, Partner at Quatela Chimeri PLLC, will discuss how to avoid top mistakes in settlements, specifically a generalization of retirement assets, incorrect application of the Majauskas, and oversimplifying division of retirement assets with equalizations/offsets. Hon. Cheryl A. Joseph will explain what the Courts expect of the practitioners when dealing with retirement assets. Denisa will give an overview of the NYC Fire Department Pension Fund and highlight its key provisions, which are often missed in settlements.
Topics to be Included:
- What the Courts Expect From You During the Diligence Phase
- Highlighting the New York City Fire Pension and its Key Provisions
- Thinking Outside the Box When Addressing Distribution of Retirement Assets in Settlement Negotiations
- How to Avoid Settlement Mistakes in these Areas
- Recap, Retirement Asset Cheat Sheet, Case Law
- February 16, 2022
- Online On-Demand
- VKW81
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