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Real Estate Transactions – Commercial Property, 2023-24 (eBook)

Real Estate Transactions – Commercial Property, 2023-24 (eBook)

  • Christina Kallas, Esq.

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Contents at a Glance

Overview of Commercial Real Estate Practice / Types of Commercial Property / Types of Transactions and Standard Documents / Role of Title Insurance / Closing / Post-Closing

Product Description

Part of the New York Lawyers’ Practical Skills Series (PSS)

PC: 403724/403724E

Commercial real estate is a vast field, encompassing the selling, financing and leasing of numerous types of properties, and involving a plethora of professionals including attorneys, real estate and mortgage brokers, accountants, tax lawyers, title insurance representatives and lenders.

Real Estate Transactions—Commercial Property provides an overview of the major issues an attorney needs to address when representing a commercial real estate client, and suggests some practical approaches to solving problems that may arise in the context of commercial real estate transactions.

This edition includes updated author commentary and forms as well as new case citations. This practice guide also includes a set of Downloadable FormsThe 2023-2024 release is current through the 202 legislative session.


The download of this eBook permits the user to install the title on any and all of the user's devices for personal use only. Distribution of this title without permission is strictly prohibited. Downloadable items are nonrefundable.  

Table of Contents:
Published Date:
  • November 22, 2023
  • eBook
Product Code:
  • 403724E
  • 9781579692896
Page Count:
  • 483 pages