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The Planning Ahead Guide, Third Edition (eBook)

The Planning Ahead Guide, Third Edition (eBook)

  • The Subcommittee on Law Practice Continuity

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Contents at a Glance

Planning for Disability, Retirement or Death / Sale of a Law Practice / Closing Another Lawyer’s Practice / Issues of Impairment / Additional Resources and References

Product Description

PC: 4170023/4170023E

The Planning Ahead Guide: How to Establish an Advance Exit Plan to Protect Your Clients' Interests in the Event of Your Disability, Retirement or Death (2023)

Since the Guide was first published by the Committee on Law Practice Continuity in 2005, it has prompted New York attorneys to consider the circumstances that could render them unable to continue practicing law, and make appropriate plans. Unfortunately, accidents, illness, disability, planned or unplanned retirement, and untimely death are events which do occur. Under any of these circumstances, both the clients’ and the attorney’s interests, must be protected. 

Although there are no specific requirements in the New York Rules of Professional Conduct specifying the steps an attorney must take to protect his or her clients in the event of a sudden inability to continue in practice, several Rules and Comments, along with general principles of attorney professionalism and fiduciary duty, provide guidance on this issue. Attorney professionalism is often equated with dedication to clients, service, competence and the display of good judgment. It is clear that there is a duty on the part of the attorney to protect clients from the negative consequences of adverse events. By formulating a plan, the attorney will be fulfilling their ethical responsibilities and their obligation to their client. 

 The third edition of the Guide has been completely reorganized and revised to reflect present day considerations; incorporating updated planning recommendations as it relates social media, revised planning tools, forms and regulations. Each chapter introduction acts as a roadmap to its contents making this an easy-to-use reference. The Guide continues to provide a variety of checklists, sample letters, forms and rules and regulations designed to guide the attorney towards establishing the necessary safeguards. 

The Planning Ahead Guide is revised and updated by the Subcommittee on Law Practice Continuity, a subset of the Law Practice Management Committee.

The download of this eBook permits the user to install the title on any and all of the user's devices for personal use only. Distribution of this title without permission is strictly prohibited. Downloadable items are nonrefundable.  

Published Date:
  • December 12, 2023
  • eBook
Product Code:
  • 4170023E
  • 9781579691066
Page Count:
  • 228 pages