Trust Me, I’m a Lawyer: Handling Trust Accounts, Fee Splitting & Freelancing

Covering the law of trust and IOLA accounts; the big five trust account misunderstandings; Fiduciary duty and duty to preserve and safeguard client funds and property; Qualified funds vs. non-qualified funds; Required Records and ability to Audit; Clear descriptions of what belongs (and doesn’t belong) in a trust account; whether flat fees are required to be kept in Trust prior to performance of services; proper distribution methods; and handling disputes, third-party claims, and refunds. The speaker will also provide access to forms for freelancing and sharing fees, and best practices checklists for law offices.
Claude E. Ducloux, Esq. – Affinity – LawPay
Published Date:
- June 15, 2020
- Online On-Demand
Product Code:
- VHM11
Ethics and Professionalism Credit(s):
- 1.0
Total Credit(s):
- 1.0
Recorded Date:
- 50min