Uprooting Sexual Harassment in the Legal Profession
Many lawyers believe that sexual harassment has been eradicated in the legal profession through the use of policies and training programs. Viewers learn about the fallacy of that perspective as reported from a nationwide survey, and about sexual harassment as experienced by those in the legal profession- in all employment settings – currently and historically. Moreover, viewers hear about ways to address this problem, particularly focused on New York Rules of Professional Conduct 8.4 (g), 8.4 (b), and 8.4 (h), and about a new initiative to more effectively address sexual harassment. Additionally, a brief overview of the substantive law of sexual harassment will be provided.
Cory M. Amron, Esq., Women Lawyers on Guard, Inc.
Sheryl B. Galler, Esq., Book Law LLP
Corrine P. Parver, Esq., Women Lawyers on Guard Action Network, Inc.
Pilar Velasquez McLaughlin, Esq., Office of the General Counsel, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
Kaylin L. Whittingham, Esq., Whittingham Law
- April 11, 2024
- Online On-Demand
- VNV71
- 1.0
- 0.5
- 1.5