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Virtual Practice of Law in the Surrogate’s Court

Virtual Practice of Law in the Surrogate’s Court


With most Courts instituting mandatory e-Filing and conducting appearances and hearings/trials remotely since Spring 2020, Surrogate’s Court practitioners needed to quickly adopt a new skill set to ensure the ability to bring new matters before the Court and advocate for their clients on existing matters. This program focuses on the Court Attorneys’ perspective: what advantages and drawbacks come along with virtual practice of law? What is it like conducting calendar calls and hearings online? What strategies – successful or otherwise – have they seen attorneys employ to conduct virtual appearances? Participants can expect the opportunity to hear first-hand accounts of virtual practice and tips and techniques they can employ to make themselves more effective advocates in the virtual Courthouse. Please note: the Court employees are providing personal accounts and suggestions; they do not speak for the Unified Court System or the Office of Court Administration.


Dale Fong-Frederick, Esq., Kings County Surrogate's Court

Peter F. Lane, Esq., Queens County Surrogate's Court

Madison Porzio, Esq., Bronx County Surrogate's Court

Thomas Sciacca, Esq., Law Offices of Thomas Sciacca, PLLC

Published Date:
  • March 31, 2021
  • Online On-Demand
Product Code:
  • VKE41
Areas Of Professional Practice Credit(s):
  • 1.5
Total Credit(s):
  • 1.5