Why HER and Not ME? How YOU Can Be the Attorney Reporters Call

Did you see your colleague quoted in the news? Why are reporters calling her and not you? The answer could be that reporters call the people they know. They don't call an attorney they never heard of. Therefore, it is critical to learn how to introduce yourself to the media as a source for comment.
When you are preparing to file litigation on a big case, will you contact the media with a press release? Would a news story put pressure on opposing counsel? Are you prepared to speak about your own case? When you get a call from a reporter, do you know how to make yourself more quotable and memorable? Are you ready to comment on a case in the news or explain how a change in regulation will affect business operations?
Topics to Include:
1. Understand the ethical issues of presenting yourself to reporters as a source
2. Review the ethical issues of speaking to reporters about a case your own firm filed in court
3. Develop brief biographical material to introduce yourself to the media as a credible source on legal and business issues
4. Prepare material (press release) to announce the status of a case filed in court
Craig Dobson, Esq., Dobson Law LLC, New York, NY
Janet L. Falk, Chief Strategist, Falk Communications and Research
- April 8, 2022
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