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September 28, 2018: State Bar Association Calls for FBI Investigation into Allegations Regarding Supreme Court Nominee

By Communications Department

September 28, 2018

September 28, 2018: State Bar Association Calls for FBI Investigation into Allegations Regarding Supreme Court Nominee


By Communications Department

New York State Bar Association President Michael Miller issued the following statement today:

“To preserve the integrity of the U.S. Supreme Court, the New York State Bar Association joins the American Bar Association’s call for an FBI investigation into recent allegations prior to the U.S. Senate taking any further action on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination for a lifetime appointment to the court.

“We believe that it is essential to the rule of law in our nation and to the reputation of the Supreme Court that all Americans have confidence that candidates for the court are reviewed fairly and thoroughly, and that only an FBI investigation will give them that confidence.”

Contact: Dan Weiller

[email protected]


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