We are excited to announce the second annual academic paper section of the 2024 Sports Lawyers Association (SLA) Conference, which will be held on May 8, 2024. Presenters will then attend the remainder of the SLA conference that will take place May 9-11, at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront.
The purpose of the academic section of SLA is to bring industry and the academy together and to introduce SLA membership to the timely research conducted on sport law topics. The academic section of the conference will take place on May 8, 2024 from 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm. The deadline to submit is 11:59 pm Eastern on March 31, 2024. Papers (i.e., published, accepted, or submitted work and works in progress short of a completed draft) will be peer-reviewed based on their relevance and contribution to the field of sports law. All submissions should be in PDF format and sent to Thomas Baker.
The review committee will make its selections on or before March 31, 2024. All presenters whose papers have been selected for inclusion will be named in the agenda and must register (and pay the appropriate registration fee) for the 2024 SLA Conference. All accepted papers will be posted in the SLA mobile app. The review process will be highly selective, so please understand if your submission is not accepted for this SLA academic session.
Visit https://sportslaw.org/events/academic_paper_section.cfm for more details.
We hope to see you all in Baltimore for #SLAC24!
Thomas Baker and Alicia Jessop
SLA Academic Section Co-Chairs