Practice Area: Antitrust and Trade

Elections Around the World Ramp Up Uncertainty in Big Tech Mergers and Acquisitions

Upcoming elections around the world will only ramp up uncertainty in the world of Big Tech mergers and acquisitions as anti-trust regulators and technology companies warily eye each other’s strategies. Different U.S. administrations, or even officials within an administration, can view the antitrust environment differently and corporate executives are on guard to adapt to shifting … Continued

Antitrust Podcast Details Landmark Prosecution of Cartel Enterprise

Price fixing, bid rigging, and market manipulation are the tactics you might see at the heart of a financial thriller or a case of corporate corruption. A federal investigation to break up a coordinated conspiracy involving all three rocked the oil industry in 2006. The Marine Hose Cartel was an organized criminal enterprise made up … Continued

President of New York State Bar Association Calls Judge Rowan Wilson’s Historic Confirmation a Significant Milestone

Sherry Levin Wallach, president of the New York State Bar Association, issued the following statement about the state Senate’s confirmation of Judge Rowan D. Wilson as chief judge of the Court of Appeals and the State of New York: “The historic appointment and confirmation of Judge Rowan D. Wilson as New York’s first African-American chief … Continued

10 Tips for Practicing in Antitrust Law

In February 2022, the Antitrust Law Section participated in a law student roundtable discussion that provided current law students with a better understanding on the experiences, rewards, and challenges practicing attorneys have faced in Antitrust Law while offering insight on the various career opportunities available. From this discussion one of the panelists, Puja Patel, Esq., … Continued