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Elder Law Is Lifetime Planning

Elder Law Is Lifetime Planning

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Elder law attorneys help people plan for the remainder of their lifetime as well as finding the best legal strategies to ensure clients leave a valued legacy for their loved ones. This practice area requires an attorney to think through how all these different concerns intersect and what is best for the client and their families which all find themselves in unique circumstances. 

Please join ElderCounsel Director of Education, Jim Wolverton, as he discusses how the estate, Medicaid, VA and special needs planning areas should be intertwined in your law practice.  

 Thank you to our Sponsor!

Start Date:
  • July 13, 2022
Start Time:
  • 11:00 AM
End Time:
  • 11:30 AM
  • Virtual Participation
  • Webinar
Product Code:
  • 0MC61
Section Member Price: Free
Non-Member Price: Free
Sponsoring Committee Group
  • Elder Law & Special Needs Section