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Strategies for Successful Virtual Interviewing (Webinar)

Strategies for Successful Virtual Interviewing (Webinar)


In today's uncertain job market, it is more important than ever that candidates can provide prospective employers with a clear sense of how they can add immediate value.  Job searchers must be prepared to confidently articulate their qualifications for a role, and must be able to do so virtually, as entire recruiting processes continue to be conducted via  Zoom, Skype and other platforms.  In this program, Carroll will offer actionable tips for handling the challenging logistical and substantive issues presented by today's job interviews.  

Start Date:
  • June 4, 2020
Start Time:
  • 2:00 PM
End Time:
  • 3:00 PM
  • Virtual Participation
  • Webinar
Product Code:
  • 0HU41
Non-Member Price: $50.00