Author: Alexandre Petraglia

Ethics Opinion 1253: Conflicts of Interest Among Family Members

Topic: Conflicts of interest among family members Digest: A lawyer who represents the Executor of an estate and simultaneously represents a beneficiary of the estate in an unrelated matter does not have a concurrent conflict of interest. “Differing interests” may arise where lawyer  simultaneously represents both an estate’s Executor/beneficiary and a co-beneficiary as co-defendants in … Continued

Deconstruction- Vol. 48 No. 1

The following content is restricted to members only. Please login in order to view. If you are not a member and are interested in becoming one today click here. If you are currently logged on to the NYSBA website and still unable to access the Members Only section of the website, clear the cookies and … Continued

Justice LaSalle Honored at NYSBA’s Annual Meeting 2023

Months ago, the Judicial Section of the New York State Bar Association selected Hon. Hector LaSalle as the winner of the most prestigious 2023 Distinguished Jurist Award. Today, Justice LaSalle received this award to thunderous applause and overwhelming support and appreciation from NYSBA members. In addition, several programs and events were held on day three … Continued

Thousands Attend NYSBA Annual Meeting 2023

The momentum of Annual Meeting 2023 continues into Day 2, as thousands attend this first in-person Annual Meeting since 2020. Dozens of programs and events were held by nine sections including: 50+, Environmental & Energy Law, Tax, Women in Law, Torts, Insurance and Compensation Law, Real Property, Entertainment, Arts and Sports Law, and LGBTQ, among … Continued