Author: Brandon

State Report Highlights Gender Bias Against Women in the Courts

Good afternoon Members, A report released today by the New York State Judicial Committee on Women in the Courts says there are significant areas of bias with regard to the treatment of female attorneys, litigants and witnesses despite marked improvement over the years. The Committee, chaired by the Hon. Betty Weinberg Ellerin of Alston & … Continued

The Do-Nothing Congress <i>Did</i> Do Some Things . . .

During the 116th Congress, which lasts from January 3, 2019 to December 31, 2020, Congress passed 169 bills that were signed into law by the President. In terms of context, nearly 16,000 bills were introduced. By these numbers, only roughly 1.25% of bills became law, leading to the nickname “Do-Nothing Congress.” But to call it … Continued

New York State Bar Association President Scott M. Karson Issues Statement on Puerto Rico Discovery Day

Puerto Rican lawyers and judges have contributed so much to the jurisprudence of New York State and this country. Their mark on our legal system can be felt across all levels of our state and federal court system – from the state Appellate Division to the New York Court of Appeals, from the U.S. District Court to the U.S. Supreme Court. New York is proud to have over 1 million Puerto Rican citizens living in our state.

The Statute of Frauds and the Fork in the Road

When a set of facts implicates two separate rules or provisions, a court is generally supposed to apply both if possible rather than to pick one and ignore the other. That is what should have happened, but did not, in the Appellate Division, Second Department, in Korman v. Corbett.