Author: Brandon

How to Manage Your Online Reputation

If you do not manage your online reputation, someone else will. Every second there are 63,000 internet searches. Every day there are 5.5 billion searches. Ninety-four percent of people only look at the first page of Google Search results. Therefore, the content that appears on the internet when a law firm or attorney is searched … Continued

Hate Crimes, Hate Speech and Freedom of Speech on College Campuses

The American political experiment was built on a foundation of radical ideals, none more so, perhaps, than the individual liberties enshrined in our Constitution’s First Amendment. The concept is deceptively simple: To allow every individual to freely express their beliefs without government infringement. However, the practical application of what we have come to know as … Continued

The Role of the Temporary Receiver in Foreclosure Proceedings

The appointment to serve as a Temporary Receiver in a foreclosure proceeding in New York State Court can be interesting, challenging and rewarding. Referred to as a “temporary receiver” in the statute,1 such a fiduciary is commonly referred to simply as a “receiver.” A foreclosure action is a many-faceted proceeding that can involve real property law, complex financing, both … Continued

Scheindlin Awards Event: Advancing Women, Emphasizing Diversity

Accomplished women litigators and high-achieving women associates were honored by NYSBA’s Commercial & Federal Litigation Section on Nov. 13 with the Hon. Shira A. Scheindlin Award for Excellence in the Courtroom and the Hon. Judith S. Kaye Commercial Litigation Academy Scholarships. Section Chair Laurel Kretzing hosted the annual event, which coincides with the anniversary of … Continued

The Anti-Racist

LEONARD ZESKIND LITERALLY WROTE THE BOOK ON THE HISTORY OF THE WHITE NATIONALIST MOVEMENT The Census Bureau has projected that white people will officially become a minority in a nation of minorities by the middle part of this century. And according to Leonard Zeskind, that is the key factor behind the actions of white nationalists. … Continued

NYSBA’s Unique Role in Shaping State Law

For more than 144 years, the New York State Bar Association has shaped the development of the law, protected the citizenry’s rights, and contributed to the history of our state. Indeed, from its inception, NYSBA has played a quasi-public role: Doing the public good by serving as a resource for all three branches of government. … Continued

Acquisitions: Some Warranty Considerations

There are three ways to acquire a company: purchase the business and assets of the company; purchase the stock of the company; and by merger with the company to be acquired, often referred to as the “target.” The method by which parties choose to accomplish the transaction depends on many factors, not the least of … Continued