Author: David

Writing for the Journal: Q&A With Lauren Sharkey

Lauren Sharkey is a partner at Cioffi, Slezak & Wildgrube, a women-owned and -operated law firm in Schenectady, N.Y. She serves on the New York State Bar Association’s Executive Committee and is a past chair of the Young Lawyers Section. Sharkey is a member of the Elder Law and Special Needs Section and the Trusts … Continued

President’s Message: Building Value for Our Members

The main goal of my presidency is to meaningfully reduce impediments to the efficient practice of law for our members. I know that may sound ambitious, and perhaps even somewhat ambiguous, and that the implantation of this goal will likely take longer than my one year in office to complete. However, creating value for our … Continued

New York State Bar Association Transforms Task Force Into a Standing Committee

The New York State Bar Association has transformed its Task Force on Emerging Digital Finance and Currency into a standing committee due to the technology’s ever evolving nature. The creation of the committee was approved by the association’s Executive Committee on Friday. It allows the association to assemble experts from various legal practice areas to … Continued

The National Ban on Post-Employment Noncompete Clauses – What To Do Now?

“Noncompete clauses are now banned in the United States.” “Noncompete clauses aren’t going away anytime soon.” I have heard both of these statements in the weeks since April 23, 2024, when the Federal Trade Commission announced that it was issuing its final noncompete clause rule.[1] For the moment, neither statement is true . . . … Continued

President-Elect Kathleen Sweet Focuses on Retaining and Attracting New Members

President-Elect Kathleen Sweet is focusing on supporting the New York State Bar Association’s new president and developing a framework for the association’s future success. “I initially want to support Domenick Napoletano and his presidency while down the road my focus will be on serving our membership so we may continue to retain them while attracting … Continued

Image-Generative AI: Has Technology Evolved Beyond Modern-Day Fair Use?

Introduction Copyright is uniquely situated between the force of law and the pressure of an ever-evolving society. Since its inception, courts, legislators, and administrators have had to adjust and recontextualize copyright law to appropriately conform to new technologies and artforms. The latest technology to challenge this pillar of intellectual property law is generative artificial intelligence … Continued

Joint NYSBA and City Bar Proposal To Amend Preliminary Conference Rule Changes Approved by Chief Administrative Judge Joseph A. Zayas

Amendments to Uniform Rule 202.12, developed jointly by the New York State Bar Association and the New York City Bar Association, have been ordered by Chief Administrative Judge Joseph A. Zayas after approval by the Administrative Board of New York’s Unified Court System. The approved revisions relate to the rules for preliminary conferences. A joint … Continued