Category: Latest News

NYSBA Member Spotlight: Jacqueline J. Drohan

I can attest that not only is NYSBA is a tireless advocate for career development, legal ethics, and even health and wellness for its members, but strongly lends its voice to broader issues of civil rights and social justice.

Lawmakers Agree on Parole Reform Bill

Lawmakers appear to have struck a deal surrounding the “Less is More” Act, a crucial piece of legislation reforming the State’s broken parole system and one of the association’s top legislative priorities.

NYSBA Enters Into Historic Agreement With Osaka Bar Association

The New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) and the Osaka Bar Association (OBA) entered a “Memorandum of Friendship” during a virtual event on the evening of June 4 (June 5 in Osaka). The accord formalizes the relationship the two associations. Kazuto Yamamoto, chair of OBA’s International Committee, was master of ceremonies for the signing. Seiji … Continued