Category: Latest News

Were President Trump’s Election Fraud Lawsuits Frivolous?

The New York State Bar Association’s Annual Meeting kicked off Tuesday morning with a timely discussion about the ethics of accepting a frivolous lawsuit that quickly focused on President Donald Trump’s election fraud claims and the conduct of his attorney Rudy Giuliani in the 60 cases that were dismissed in courts nationwide. “It does suggest … Continued

Chief Judge Urges State Officials To Allow Judges To Be Vaccinated

Good evening Members, In her weekly coronavirus update today, Chief Judge Janet DiFiore urged state officials to immediately expand the vaccination guidelines to include judges. DiFiore said she’s pleased that court officers and other professional court staff, who regularly interact with the public in courthouses, are eligible to receive the vaccine and noted that some … Continued

The 2021 State of the State Address

The 2021 State of the State address was a departure from years past. As a result of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo delivered not one, but four speeches, and he did so virtually, using the War Room on the state Capitol’s second floor as his backdrop. The first speech, which was also … Continued