Category: Latest News

State Court System Suspends All Nonessential In-Person Appearances

Good evening Members, Due to the recent coronavirus resurgence statewide, Chief Judge Janet DiFiore announced today that all nonessential in-person appearances are being temporarily suspended and only a small number of in-person essential and emergency matters will be heard in criminal, family, and housing court.  Additionally, in-person staffing levels are being reduced to 40% or … Continued

Environmental Racism: How Lawyers Can Help Close the Climate Gap

Recognizing the expanding climate gap, researchers and activists have called for climate justice regulations and policies that will close this gap. Climate change measures deemed most effective at closing the climate gap are those based on giving – giving identity, equity, relief, roles and voice to these exposed groups. Lawyers are uniquely trained and skilled to achieve these objectives.

SDNY Suspends All In-Person Operations Due to COVID-19 Spike

Good afternoon Members, The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York has suspended all in-person operations beginning today and extending through Jan. 15, 2021. Meanwhile, several state courts have suspended all in-person proceedings due to people testing positive who work in the courthouses. According to the standing order issued by Chief Judge … Continued