Category: Latest News

Free CLE Examines NYC’s Response to COVID-19

The New York State Bar Association will present a virtual CLE webinar that looks at all the legal issues surrounding the coronavirus pandemic in New York City, including the perspective of the Mayor’s Office. Entitled “The COVID-19 Crisis and New York City’s Response: Legal Issues,” the event will be at 4 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. … Continued

NYSBA Decries Spate of Attorney Harassment

Last week, New York City lawyer Randy Mastro’s Upper East Side townhouse was reportedly spray painted with graffiti epithets and the door lock was glued shut. According to Mastro, the incident occurred because of the clients he represents, the nonprofit West Side Community Organization, which is litigating to remove a group of homeless people from … Continued

NYSBA Helps Attorneys Deal with Rise in Domestic Violence Incidents

In recognition of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, the New York State Bar Association is hosting a free training session to educate lawyers to ensure victims of domestic violence have meaningful access to safety and justice. Statistics strongly suggest that the incidence of domestic violence has increased considerably during the pandemic. Ellen Schell, general counsel … Continued

What Is Medical Aid In Dying… And What It Isn’t

The issue is not whether we will die, but how we will die and who makes decisions at life’s end. For terminally ill patients with decision-making capacity, there are options to hasten death such as stopping life-sustaining treatments or refusing food and water. There is also the medical aid in dying option that David C. … Continued

Statement From NYSBA President Regarding Reports That 545 Parents of Children Separated At U.S. Border Cannot Be Found

New York State Bar Association President Scott M. Karson issued the following statement in response to reports that the parents of 545 migrant children separated at the southern U.S. border between 2017 and 2018 by the Trump administration cannot be located by federal authorities. “It is appalling that in the approximately two years since the … Continued

The Year in Criminal Justice Legislation: Bail, Discovery, Police Reform

In the midst of an historic pandemic, the legislature enacted changes in two critical areas of the criminal justice system. It enacted changes to the bail and discovery laws it passed last year and, in addition, it passed an expansive package of police reform bills. At the same time, the New York City Council enacted a series of new laws that will have a significant impact on members of the New York City Police Department.