Category: Latest News

The Covid Crisis and Nursing Home Reform

The New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) is examining why a disproportionate number of residents died from COVID-19 in nursing homes and long-term care facilities across the state. Nearly 6,700 coronavirus deaths occurred in nursing homes in New York State, the most of any state. According to the New York Times, 40% of all coronavirus … Continued

NFL Players Association Executive Director DeMaurice Smith Doesn’t Stick To Sports

With reports of an outbreak with the Tennessee Titans, the testing protocols and contact tracing program are now under the microscope. During his interview with Miranda Warnings host David Miranda, a former NYSBA president, Smith says the protocols the NFLPA put in place for its contact tracing program are firmly grounded in science and the best public health practices for preventing the spread of the virus determined to date.

Daily Coronavirus Update: Gov. Cuts Judiciary Budget By $300 Million

Chief Administrative Judge Lawrence K. Marks issued a memo today to the state’s administrative judges informing them that Gov. Andrew Cuomo has exercised his emergency powers granted to him by the Legislature by cutting the Judiciary budget 10 percent, or approximately $300 million. Marks said the cut has prompted them to implement “a range of … Continued

Coops, Condos and COVID-19

For condominiums, cooperatives and homeowner’s associations, the novel coronavirus has presented myriad legal issues. However, dealing with COVID-19 has provided one benefit. There is now an opportunity to develop a blueprint for condominiums and cooperatives to follow when, and if, the next similar crisis occurs. It is therefore incumbent upon the practitioner to set forth … Continued