Category: Latest News

Fighting the Scourge of Racial Injustice

The civil rights movement of the 1960s has informed my thinking to this day. It is why all these years later it infuriates me to see the scourge of racial bigotry and the egregious inequities in how people of color are treated in our criminal justice system and society at large.

Tips for Purchasing Cyber Insurance

As a result of the dramatic increase in cyberattacks that have occurred since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and the risks associated with lawyers working remotely and using unfamiliar technologies, cyber insurance has become an important consideration for many law firms.

Daily Coronavirus Update: Gov. Extends Tolling of All Statute of Limitations, NYC Grand Juries Resume in August

Good evening Members, Gov. Andrew Cuomo has extended for another 30 days his executive order that temporarily tolls all statutes of limitations during the coronavirus public health crisis. The latest order extends through Aug. 5. Cuomo’s order tolls “any specific time limit for the commencement, filing, or service of any legal action, notice, motion, or … Continued

NYSBA’s Virtual Bar Center: A Vision Fulfilled

A year ago, I shared with the House of Delegates at Cooperstown a vision for how the New York State Bar Association could better meet the needs of our members while simultaneously strengthening its role as a leader in the legal profession. I believed it imperative that we rebuild our technology and digital operations with … Continued

Why Facial Recognition Technology Is Flawed

What do Steve Talley and Robert Julian-Borchak Williams have in common? Both men share the dubious distinction of false arrest by law enforcement using facial recognition technology. In December 2015, the Denver police using facial comparison technology falsely arrested Mr. Talley when he was identified as a suspect in an armed bank robbery.[1] Prior to … Continued

Necessary Leadership for Uncertain Times

Karson said that as the association navigates today’s challenges and those that will arise, he commits fully that “as a leader I will be thoughtful, diligent and dynamic, mindful of the past, concerned about the present and focused on the future.”