Category: Latest News

Summary of Police Reform Bills

Bill Number: S1830/A10609 (STAT Act) Bill Summary: The bill imposes a requirement on the Chief Administrator of the Courts and upon law enforcement agencies to collect and make publicly available information on Law Enforcement and Court proceedings. The bill collects various data including race, ethnicity, age, and sex of the individual as well as the … Continued

State Bar Association President Scott M. Karson Comments on Court System’s Independent Review of Institutional Racism

New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) President Scott M. Karson today issued the following statement in reaction to the announcement that the state’s court system is planning an independent review of its policies to examine whether there was institutional racism. “The New York State Bar Association commends the state court system for proactively reviewing ways … Continued

New York State Bar Association Calls for Public Disclosure of Law Enforcement Disciplinary Records

The New York State Bar Association’s (NYSBA) Executive Committee today approved repealing Civil Rights Law 50-a to allow for the public disclosure of law enforcement personnel disciplinary records. “Disclosing all records pertaining to police misconduct and discipline will help stem the tide of repeated and senseless incidents of police brutality that are all too frequently … Continued

Frontline Providers Need More Support during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The following content is restricted to members only. Please login in order to view. If you are not a member and are interested in becoming one today click here. If you are currently logged on to the NYSBA website and still unable to access the Members Only section of the website, clear the cookies and … Continued

Daily Coronavirus Update: Gov. Extends Tolling of All Statute of Limitations, NYC Courthouses Begin Reopening

Good afternoon Members, Gov. Andrew Cuomo has extended for another 30 days his executive order that temporarily tolls all statutes of limitations during the coronavirus public health crisis. The latest order extends through July 6. Cuomo’s order tolls “any specific time limit for the commencement, filing, or service of any legal action, notice, motion, or other … Continued

Summary of Executive Order 202.39

On June 7, 2020, Governor Andrew Cuomo issued Executive Order 202.39 invoking new powers from a law passed to combat the COVID-19 pandemic to temporarily suspend or modify laws necessary to assist or aid in coping with a declared State disaster emergency. On March 3, 2020, the Governor signed into law legislation that expanded his … Continued

A Good Year To Be a 2L

As a 2L, I understood the demands of law school and had developed skills and strategies to cope with the stress and to succeed. The things that had worried me as a 1L seemed much less daunting as I returned to campus in September. Then came the COVID-19 pandemic.

Summary of Executive Order 202.38

On June 6, 2020, Governor Andrew Cuomo issued Executive Order 202.38 invoking new powers from a law passed to combat the COVID-19 pandemic to temporarily suspend or modify laws necessary to assist or aid in coping with a declared State disaster emergency. On March 3, 2020, the Governor signed into law legislation that expanded his … Continued

How to Keep Your Kids Busy This Summer…and Maintain Your Practice

The law is reason free from passion, yet young children can best be described as passion free from reason. Navigating these two very different worlds is key for any lawyer with children. With several New York lawyers working remotely still and their children home, the traditional summer routines of overnight camps and summer schools have … Continued