NYSBA’s Antitrust Law Section offers members excellent opportunities to enhance their knowledge and expertise by participating in Section activities.

Through events featuring outstanding speakers, members can examine critical developments in antitrust. The Section also co-sponsors MCLE programs for New York State Bar Association members at special member rates.

All of these activities enable you to stay on top of the constantly developing field of antitrust law, as well as meet and work with colleagues who share your interests.

Membership in the New York State Bar Association’s Antitrust Law Section is a valuable way for you to keep up to date on the growing number of issues and concerns that face the ever-changing legal profession.


Membership in NYSBA’s Antitrust Law Section is a valuable way to:

  • Enhance professional skills
  • Join colleagues in exciting Section events
  • Increase your network of contacts in the practice of antitrust law

Participation in Section Activities Is Easy

The Section offers its members a variety of ways to participate, including joining a committee and attending our many educational and networking programs.

The Antitrust Law Section aims to address the complex issues that constantly arise in the field and communicate about antitrust law with the profession as a whole. Our committees meet regularly to discuss case developments, present both in-person and virtual programs, and produce podcasts. The Section’s Annual Meeting is an all-day CLE program put on by experienced practitioners (including enforcement agency officials), economists, and businesspersons discussing the most current antitrust issues.


The Antitrust Law Section has numerous resources available on its website, including substantive case reviews and a comprehensive listing of links relevant to the Section, including our podcasts and online access to Section publications and special reports.

The Antitrust Law Section continues to be on the forefront of introducing, monitoring, and evaluating legal developments in the areas of antitrust law, including criminal enforcement, private litigation, including class actions, and merger review at both federal and New York State levels.


Contact the Antitrust Law Section Liaison

To learn more about this Section, please contact Sharmin Woodall
(518) 487-5686

Please do not contact the Section liaison with a request for legal advice or an attorney referral. You can instead visit our ‘Public Resources’ or ‘Lawyer Referral Service’ page for this type of request.

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Connect with Antitrust Law Section