2024 LAP Spring Retreat at Silver Bay

Practicing the Principals In All Our Affairs
The Lawyer Assistance Program Spring Retreat began in 1991 as a way for lawyers in recovery from across the state to gather together to build community, explore their recovery, and to show, by example, that there is hope and joy in recovery. Since its first weekend, the Retreat has expanded its programming to include subjects such as mental health, mindfulness, and suicide awareness. While the Retreat has expanded the issues it addresses, the primary theme of the weekend is to celebrate recovery. For this year, you can expect a weekend filled with recovery meetings, inspirational speakers, thought provoking programming, and moments of quiet time to spend chatting with friends, new and old, all on the shores of beautiful Lake George. And yes, family is encouraged to attend!
Registration is $185.00.
Guest/Family members 16 and over is $140.00
Guest/Family members 5-16 is $40.00
The increase in the registration fees is to cover the cost of the catered dinners on Friday and Saturday evenings.
**The registration fee reflects a $50 scholarship for the first 50 registered attendees and guests.
If you would like to donate to the Spring Retreat Scholarship Fund, please email Stacey Whiteley at [email protected].
Scholarships are available and easy to apply for, contact Stacey Whiteley [email protected].
You can reserve your room now at our block room rates by clicking here: LAP Silver Bay Lodging Reservations. Or call Silver Bay reservations: 888.758.7229.
- May 17, 2024
- May 19, 2024
- 3:00 PM
- 10:00 AM
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- 1.0
- 2.0
- Silver Bay Association
87 Silver Bay Road
Silver Bay, NY 12874
- In-Person