Click, Return, Disaster! Practical Social Media Use And Ethics For Attorneys

Avoiding ethical and use issues concerning social media. This session will discuss ethical guidelines governing attorneys' us of social media, Cybersecurity, confidentiality issues, how to advise and communicate with clients on their social media presence, how to effectively collect, preserve and use social media in litigation and use of social media to monitor juror communications.
Start Date:
- February 23, 2021
Start Time:
- 10:00 AM
End Time:
- 11:15 AM
Ethics and Professionalism Credit(s):
- 1.5
Total Credit(s):
- 1.5
- Virtual Participation
- Jay Flemma, Esq., Speaker, Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York
- Mark A. Berman, Esq., Speaker, Ganfer Shore Leeds & Zauderer
- Webinar
Product Code:
- 0JX71
NYSBA Member Price:
Join (or renew) for special member pricing
Non-Member Price:
Sponsoring Committee Group
- Committee on Law Practice Management