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Covering the Cyber Risk: An Overview of Cyber Risk Under Traditional Policies and the Cyber Policy

Covering the Cyber Risk: An Overview of Cyber Risk Under Traditional Policies and the Cyber Policy

Covering the Cyber Risk_675

Learn about the exposure presented by the cyber risk; coverage of cyber risks under traditional policies; the types of cyber policies; and advise businesses on why they should be purchasing a cyber policy.


11:00 a.m. – 11:05 a.m.                     

Welcome and CLE Introduction

11:05 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.                     

General: What is Cyber Risk? 

Data breach, Personally Identifiable Information (PII), corporate data, etc.

Real World Impact

Examples of prominent cyber risks (hacking/theft i.e., Target Breach – 140+ lawsuits against Target; Tricare – stolen tapes; or other examples).

11:15 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.                    

Traditional Insurance – How Cyber is Addressed in Traditional Policies  

Traditional policies cyber overview: CGL, D&O, Professional, Crime, etc.


Coverage A: “property damage” 

  • Case Ex: Although case law allows for argument that cyber data losses constitute property damage for purposes of Coverage A, insurers have endorsed the policy to change the definition of “property damage” to explicitly not include electronic data or added exclusions to exclude coverage relating to electronic data. 

Coverage B: the publication debate

  • What constitutes publication for purposes of meeting the definition of “personal and advertising injury.”
  • PII/Data Exclusion

Professional Liability:

  • Insuring Agreement (A): Professional Services Wrongful Act.
  • Ensure proper scope.
  • Avoid exclusions that fail to reflect risk.


  • Scrutinize the legal basis for liability.


  • Tangible property issue – does not contemplate fraudulent transfers or computer-initiated instructions to transfer funds or securities.
  • Crime policies typically include provisions that cover a “Loss which the insured shall sustain resulting directly from . . . The theft of any Insured property by Computer Fraud.”  They also include provisions as the one above that afford coverage for computer fraud and fraudulent transfer of funds.

First Party Property

  • Is there physical injury?
  • Be on the lookout for extensive exclusions.
  • Electronic Data Processing Equipment, Data & Media Coverage (Endorsement).


11:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.                     

Cyber Insurance        

  • Why Isn’t Dedicated Cyber Coverage purchased? (Assumption it’s covered under other policies)
  • Risks of losing records/data – or risks to businesses 
  • Available products
  • What does cyber insurance cover? 
    • Third Party: privacy/network liability, regulatory liability, media liability, etc. 
    • First Party: theft and fraud, crisis management, business interruption, data restoration, etc. 
    • Privacy Coverage/Crisis Management Expense
  • Procurement strategies 


Tracy Saxe, Esq., Saxe Doernberger & Vita, P.C

Rachel S. Pearson, Esq., Saxe Doernberger & Vita, P.C

This program is sponsored by the Torts, Insurance and Compensation Law Section. 

Start Date:
  • May 14, 2024
Start Time:
  • 11:00 AM
End Time:
  • 12:00 PM
Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection – General Credit(s):
  • 1.0
Total Credit(s):
  • 1.0
  • Virtual Participation
  • Webinar
Product Code:
  • 0NV21
Section Member Price: $40.00
NYSBA Member Price: $50.00 Join (or renew) for special member pricing
Non-Member Price: $100.00
Sponsoring Committee Group
  • Torts, Insurance, & Compensation Law Section
  • Committee on Continuing Legal Education