Cultivating Knowledge And Skills For Diversity Equity And Inclusion In Businesses And Workplaces

This program will provide 2 MCLE credits, including one in Diversity & Inclusion, and will examine the state of the law as it pertains to employers and employees, as well as businesses and their customers. We will discuss several of the U.S. Supreme Court's 2020 landmark cases, and examine how diversity and inclusion efforts are progressing in 2021. The program will provide important information for employers, business owners and those who provide them with legal counsel. Brief discussion will also cover the issue of COVID tests in employment, including antibody tests, as well as the issue over employer-mandated COVID vaccinations.
Attendees will receive a complementary copy of the New York State Bar Association's new practice book, A Guide to Diversity and Inclusion in the 21st Century, Second Edition 2021 (e-book), written by Professor Michael L. Fox.
- May 7, 2021
- 12:00 PM
- 2:00 PM
- 1.0
- 1.0
- 2.0
- Virtual Participation
- Prof. Michael L. Fox, J.D., Mount Saint Mary College
- Webinar
- 0KH31
- Committee on Civil Rights