Dispute Resolution Section Fall 2021 Meeting

Expanding the Contours of Dispute Resolution – the landscape of ADR continues to change to meet the challenges of the modern world. Join us for in-depth discussions of how ADR can grow and adapt, making the most of the changes and opportunities in the future ahead.
In-Person Reception – Wednesday, September 29 – 5:30-8:00 p.m.
Location: VERSA Thread Lounge
Address: 218 W 35th St., 6th Floor, New York, NY 10001
This is an indoor/outdoor space. For information on the venue, click here.
Proof of Vaccination and Photo ID required for all attendees by VERSA
**Reception pre-registration by Tuesday, Sept 28 at 12 p.m. is required.
- September 29, 2021
- September 30, 2021
- 9:00 AM
- 1:30 PM
- 4.0
- 2.5
- 6.5
- Virtual Participation
Date: Sept 29 and 30, 2021
Total CLE credits: 6.5
Expanding the Contours of Dispute Resolution – the landscape of ADR continues to change to meet the challenges of the modern world. Join us for in-depth discussions of how ADR can grow and adapt, making the most of the changes and opportunities in the future ahead.
Day 1 – September 29
9:00-9:10 a.m. Introductions
9:10-10:00 a.m. Keynote Address – Chief Judge Janet DiFiore
10:00-10:50 a.m. Compliance with Court Orders to Mediate – What If We Don’t?
Courts hold the power to issue orders directing parties to appear at mediations, but what happens if litigants don’t listen? Are these orders treated the same as others? Tune in to this lively discussion about compliance with mediation referrals and recent case law that discuss this hot and timely topic.
1.0 Credit in Professional Practice
10:50-11:00 a.m. Break
11:00-11:50 a.m. Why Greener Arbitrations?
Climate change has become an increasingly important topic as national jurisdictions create legislation to address carbon net zero. In parallel, the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations with the Green Pledge launched in 2019 to raise awareness of the significant carbon footprint of the arbitration community. The Campaign works with diverse group of individuals representing key stakeholders in the international arbitration community to promote best practice in managing arbitrations in a sustainable way. This panel explores how to encourage and implement greener arbitration practices (e.g., remote hearings, use of electronic platforms, rule changes, arbitrator trainings on technology, etc.), the challenges around climate risk mitigation, and the use of arbitration to resolve future climate disputes. To learn more about Campaign for Greener Arbitrations please visit https://www.greenerarbitrations.com/about
1.0 Credit in Skills
11:50 a.m. -12:30 p.m. Break
12:30-1:20 p.m. Cannabis ADR: The New Frontier
With the increased use of both recreational and medicinal legalization across various states and counties, litigation and conflict surrounding the application laws and their application abounds and will only expand. Cannabis industry participants have to make decisions regarding packaging, labeling and regulatory compliance in consultation with experienced cannabis counsel. The industry remains a challenging minefield for both its operators and their legal counsel and other professional advisors. Cannabis industry experts will share their expertise in fostering and developing alternative dispute resolution (ADR) solutions.
0.5 Credit in Professional Practice; 0.5 Credit in Skills
1:20-1:30 p.m. Closing Remarks
Day 2 – September 30
9:00-9:10 a.m. Introductions
9:10-10:00 a.m. Fireside Chat – Tim Murphy
10:00-10:50 a.m. The Role of ADR in International Trade
Curious about how dispute resolution works in international trade disputes. Well, you can find out by hearing from leading experts who have negotiated dispute resolution provisions in international trade agreements like the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement and litigated disputes at the World Trade Organization. This panel will bring to life the important role ADR plays in international trade and how the USTR and WTO operates.
1.0 Credit in Professional Practice
10:50-11:00 a.m. Break
11:00 a.m. -12:15 p.m. Insurance
Counsel, carrier and client – How does the tri-parte Insurance relationship work at the mediation table? Listen from all the angles of an insurance related disputes as we discuss what drives mediated settlements, what factors are considered by each party and what should the mediator be aware of.
1.0 Credit in Professional Practice; 0.5 Credit in Skills
12:15-12:35 p.m. Break
12:35-1:25 p.m. Exploding the Myth- Finding Diverse Neutrals Isn’t Hard…If You Open Your Eyes
Although ADR has seen some progress in diversity, the pace has been too slow. The most common excuse is that it’s difficult to find diverse neutrals. This panel of leading users of ADR services will confront that explanation, and discuss why that view is held and, most important, describe how they have gone about selecting talented diverse neutrals.
0.5 Credit in Professional Practice; 0.5 Credit in Skills
1:25-1:30 p.m. Closing Remarks
- Hon. Janet Difiore, New York State Court of Appeals
- Lisa Courtney, Esq., Statewide ADR Coordinator for NYS Courts
- Kabir Duggal, Esq., Ph.D., Senior International Arbitration Advisor, Arnold and Porter
- C. J. Mahoney, Esq., Deputy General Counsel, Microsoft
- Patricia D. Galloway, Ph.D., International Arbitrator, Mediator, Engineer
- Lucy Greenwood, Esq., Greenwood Arbitration Ltd.
- Jeffrey T. Zaino, Esq., Vice President – Commercial Division, American Arbitration Association
- Timothy H. Murphy, Esq., General Counsel, MasterCard
- Kathleen Claussen, Professor of Law, University of Miami School of Law
- Cristina Yannucci, Esq., Partner, Lewis Brisbois
- Robyn Weinstein, Esq., Speaker, ADR Program Coordinator for E.D.N.Y.
- Charles M. Arnold, Esq., Speaker, Partner, Lerner Arnold & Winston, LLP.
- Mark Bunim, Esq., Speaker, Co-Chair, Insurance Dispute in ADR Committee
- Diana Shafter Gliedman, Esq., Speaker, Co-Chair, Insurance Dispute in ADR Committee
- Dwight Geddes, Speaker, Owner, Geddes Mgmt Group
- Jocelin Singer, Esq., Speaker, Senior Claims Technical Examiner, Argo Group US
- Shaimaaa Hussein, Esq., Partner, Wilkie Farr & Gallagher
- John Kiernan, Esq., Speaker, Partner, Debevoise Plimpton; Former President of the New York City Bar Association
- Rekha Rangachari, Esq., Moderator, Executive Director at New York International Arbitration Center
- Lynelle K. Bosworth, Esq., Greenberg Traurig
- Lee P. Rovinescu, Esq., Partner Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer US LLP
- Tom Downey, Esq., Director, Ireland Stapleton Pryor & Pascoe, PC
- Asari Aniagolu , Esq., Lockheed Martin Corporation
- William H. Crosby, Esq., Interpublic Group
- Hannah S. Sholl, Esq., Senior Counsel, Global Litigation & Competition at Visa
- Noah J. Hanft, Esq., Planning Co-Chair, AcumenADR LLC
- Mansi Karol, Esq., Planning Co-Chair, American Arbitration Association
- Lauren A. Jones, Esq., Planning Co-Chair, NYS Supreme Court
- Ross J. Kartez, Esq., Section Chair, Partner, Ruskin Moscou & Faltischek PC
- Lauren Mandell, Esq., Special Counsel, Wilmer Hale
- Webinar
- 0LC71
- Dispute Resolution Section
- Committee on Continuing Legal Education
- Commercial & Federal Litigation Section
- International Section
- Trial Lawyers Section
- Torts, Insurance, & Compensation Law Section
- Food, Drug & Cosmetic Law Section
- Cannabis Law Section