Fundamentals Of Construction Contracts & Litigation

Join us for an instructive presentation on preventing construction contract disputes and handling the ones that cannot be avoided. Every aspect of a construction contract has ramifications that affect all parties involved. Learn how to draft contracts that protect your client’s rights. In addition, being prepared to litigate a claim is the best way to avoid one. Learn how to handle typical construction contract claims such as claims for changed conditions, delay, defective plans and specifications, and lost productivity. Finally, learn how to protect your client’s rights through lien and bond law.
- June 23, 2021
- 9:00 AM
- 1:15 PM
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- Virtual Participation
I. Construction Contract Provisions
a. Overview
1. Delivery Systems
a. Design/Bid/Build
b. Design-Build
c. Construction Manager
i. Advisor
ii. At Risk
2. Types of Contracts
a. Written Contract
b. Oral Contracts
c. Express or Implied
b. Standard Forms
1. AIA
2. Consensus Documents
c. Owner/Contractor Agreement
1. Contract Documents
a. Form of Agreement
b. General Conditions
c. Supplemental Specifications
d. Plans
e. Specifications
2. Payment
a. Process
b. Right to Withhold
c. Lien Waivers
i. Effectiveness
ii. Procedure
d. Retainage
i. Limits by Statute
ii. When Released by Statute
iii. Escrow Account
3. Pay-When-Paid/Paid-if-Paid
4. Change Order/Construction Change Directives
5. Unforeseen/Changed Conditions
a. Type I
b. Type II
6. Construction Schedule/Completion
a. Right to Control – Who Owns the Float?
b. Updates
c. Time Extension
d. Force Majeure
e. No Damages for Delay
i. Enforceability
ii. Exceptions
f. Substantial Completion/Final Completion
7. Liquidated Damages
8. Termination
a. Termination for Cause
i. Notice
ii. Opportunity to Cure (Express or Implied)
b. Termination for Convenience
9. Limitation of Liability
a. Enforceability
b. Exceptions
10. Waivers
a. Waiver of Consequential Damages
b. Waiver of Subrogation
11. Indemnification
12. Insurance
a. Commercial Liability
b. Workers Compensation
c. Auto Insurance
d. Builders Risk
e. Additional Insured
d. Dispute Resolution
1. Good Faith Negotiations
2. Obligation to Proceed
3. Mediation
a. Non-Binding
b. Binding
4. Arbitration
5. Litigation
6. Obligation to Proceed
II. Claims in Construction Disputes/Damages
a. Breach of Contract
1. Owner to Contractor
a. Defective Work
i. Standard
ii. Measure of Damages
b. Failure to Complete On Time
i. Determination of Delay
1. Construction Scheduling
2. Float
3. Concurrent Delay
ii. Damages
c. Failure to Pay Subcontractors
i. Subcontractor Liens
ii. Obligation to Obtain Discharge
iii. Damages
2. Contractor to Owner
a. Failure to Pay
b. Defective Plans and Specifications
i. Spearin Doctrine
ii. Examples
c. Changed Conditions/Extra Work
d. Delay
i. Direct Damages
1. Additional Costs
2. Extended General Conditions
ii. Unabsorbed Home Overhead
1. Explanation
2. Eichleay Formula
e. Lost Productivity
i. Direct Damages
ii. Total Cost Approach
iii. Modified Total Cost Approach
iv. Measured Mile
v. MCAA Factors
f. Wrongful Termination
i. Value of Completed Work
ii. Lost Profits
b. Quantum Meruit/Unjust Enrichment
c. Breach of the Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing
d. Lien and Bond Claims
e. Negligence; Contractor to Design Professional
1. Claims
a. Defective Plans and Specifications
b. Unforeseen Conditions
2. Effect
a. Delay
b. Lost Productivity
c. Change Orders
3. Defenses
a. Standard of Care
b. Economic Loss Doctrine
III. Construction Liens and Bonds
a. Overview
b. Mechanic’s Liens (Private)
1. Purpose
2. Requirements
3. Notice
4. Filing
5. Service
6. Enforcement
7. Right to Attorneys’ Fees
c. Public Improvement Liens
1. Scope
2. Requirements
3. Notice
4. Filing
5. Service
6. Enforcement
d. Surety Bonds
1. Overview
2. Statutory/Private
3. Payment Bond
a. Notice
b. Making Claim
c. Obligations of the Surety
d. Enforcement
4. Performance Bond
a. Notice
b. Making Claim
c. Obligations of the Surety
d. Enforcement
5. Lien Substitution Bond
a. Purpose
b. Process
c. Effect
e. Trust Funds
1. Overview
a. Nature & Purpose
2. Applicability
a. Real Property Improvements
b. Home Improvements
c. Public Improvements
d. Subcontracts
e. Rights of Action
3. Formation
a. Trustees
b. Beneficiaries
4. Record-Keeping
5. Enforcement
IV. Home Building and Remodeling Contracts
a. Overview
b. Contractual Requirements
c. Other Requirements
1. General Business Law
2. Lien Law
D. Enforcement
1. Violations
2. Penalties
E. Local Laws
- Scott Orenstein, Speaker, Gerber Ciano Kelly Brady LLP
- Peter Rydel, Speaker, Gerber Ciano Kelly Brady LLP
- Webinar
- 0KQ81
- Committee on Continuing Legal Education