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How to Spot Employment Discrimination

How to Spot Employment Discrimination

How to Spot Employment Discrimination_675

This CLE will explore the signs of employment discrimination that should be in the peripheral awareness of all lawyers, regardless of area of expertise.
Discrimination in the employment context is usually less than clear-cut and can be difficult to recognize – especially when you are not looking for it. This CLE will explore the signs of employment discrimination that should be in the peripheral awareness of all lawyers, regardless of area of expertise.

This presentation will discuss tips and best practices for lawyers to look for and spot employment discrimination. The discussion will focus on the signs to look for that indicate discrimination may be at play and will provide attendees with strategic questions to ask their clients to reveal the truth, even when discrimination is subtle or well-hidden. This presentation is designed for lawyers who do not currently represent employees in discrimination matters but want to have the tools to recognize when their client is the victim of employment discrimination.


Maya Risman, Esq., Risman & Risman, P.C.

Jeffrey Risman, Esq., Risman & Risman, P.C.

This program is sponsored by the Trial Lawyers Section and co-sponsored by the Labor and Employment Section of the New York State Bar Association.

If you are unable to register online, please reach out to the NYSBA Member Resource Center at 1-800-582-2452 or [email protected]

Start Date:
  • September 18, 2024
Start Time:
  • 1:00 PM
End Time:
  • 2:00 PM
Areas Of Professional Practice Credit(s):
  • 1.0
Total Credit(s):
  • 1.0
  • Virtual Participation
  • Webinar
Product Code:
  • 0NW71
Section Member Price: $40.00
NYSBA Member Price: $50.00 Join (or renew) for special member pricing
Non-Member Price: $100.00
Sponsoring Committee Group
  • Trial Lawyers Section
  • Labor & Employment Law Section
  • Committee on Continuing Legal Education