Immigration Advocacy: Perspectives Of Health Law, Psychology And Social Work

This panel will address immigration advocacy in the context of the needs of immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers before, during and after the pandemic. The work of attorneys, psychologists and social workers will be featured, as well as the strengths of interdisciplinary collaboration. Participants will be briefed on recent NYSBA Resolutions, as well as comment letters of other bars and organizations on issues relating to immigrant detention, highlighting the importance of advocating for immigrants’ access to health and mental health services and the contributions of the respective professions to this policy goal. Evaluations for the purposes of asylum will also be described, and the legal and ethical challenges in conducting such evaluations.
- June 5, 2021
- 9:00 AM
- 11:00 AM
- 2.0
- 2.0
- Virtual Participation
- Monica Indart, Psy.D., Speaker, Co-Chair, Refugee and Immigrant Concerns Working Group of Interdivisional COVID Task Force of American Psychological Association (APA)
- Danny Alicea, JD, Speaker, Chair, New York City Bar (City Bar) Association Immigration and Nationality Law Committee, Center for Family Representation (CFR) Immigration Litigation Supervisor
- Mary Beth Morrissey, JD, PhD, Speaker, City Bar Immigration and Nationality Law Committee Member, Refugee and ImMigrant Concerns Working Group of Interdivisional COVID Task Force of APA Member, NASW NYC Chapter Immigration & Global Social Work Committee Member
- Melvin H. Wilson, MBA LCSW, Speaker, Senior Policy Advisor, Social Justice and Human Rights National Association of Social Workers
- Aimee Hilado, PhD, LCSW, Speaker, Northeastern Illinois University; Member, Refugee and ImMigrant Concerns Working Group of Interdivisional COVID Task Force of APA
- Dr. Jaime H. Cárcamo, Psy.D, Speaker, New York State Licensed Clinical Psychologist, President and founder of the Psychological & Stress Management, PC, and the Hispanic Family Mental Health Center
- Webinar
- 0KL21
- Immigration and Nationality Committee