Legal Issues Regarding Heavy Metals In Baby Food And The Baby Food Safety Act Of 2021

Much attention has been brought to the issue of baby foods tainted with heavy metals after the release of a February 4, 2021 Report published by the Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy Committee on Oversight and Reform of the U.S. House of Representatives. In 2019, the Subcommittee sought internal information from the largest baby food manufacturers in the United States and received compliance from four of the popular companies. In March 2021, the Baby Food Safety Act was introduced to Congress in the wake of the House Subcommittee’s report proposing maximum levels for lead, mercury, cadmium, and inorganic arsenic that are below the thresholds currently set by many baby food manufacturers. The Food, Drug and Cosmetics Section of the New York State Bar Association will conduct a CLE comprised of four panelists to explore the issues surrounding heavy metals in baby foods, recommendations put forth in the Baby Food Act of 2021, and the potential impact on various industries should the Bill be passed.
- Jackie Bowen, the Executive Director of the Clean Label Project. Jackie has held numerous technical, standards development, and leadership roles within the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre, NSF International. She served as the General Manager of Quality Assurance International, the Director of NSF International’s Consumer Values Verified division focusing on bringing to market certification offerings including Non-GMO Project and Certified Gluten-free, and the Director of NSF Agriculture- North America focusing on farm food safety.
- Tom Neltner, Esq., Chemicals Policy Director of the Environmental Defense Fund. Tom leads efforts to remove or minimize hazardous chemicals from products and the marketplace through cross-cutting policy initiatives. Tom focuses on food additive safety and advancing legislative, regulatory, and collaborative efforts to reduce lead exposure. He supports the EDF’s work on chemical safety, especially lead, formaldehyde, and hazardous materials management.
- P. Renée Wicklund, Esq., Senior Of Counsel with Richman Law & Policy. Her work focuses on the domestic food supply, including issues of pesticide use, environmental health, and the welfare of farmed animals.
- Christina Tusan, Esq., Supervising Attorney for the Consumer and Workplace Protection Unit for the Los Angeles City Attorney's Office
- Moderated by Ashley Anderson, Esq., member of NYSBA’s Food, Drug and Cosmetic Section, Associate with Hawkins Parnell and Young, LLP
- April 28, 2021
- 2:00 PM
- 3:30 PM
- 1.5
- 1.5
- Virtual Participation
- Ashley M. Anderson, Esq., Moderator, Hawkins Parnell & Young LLP
- Tom Neltner, Esq., Speaker, Chemicals Policy Director of the Environmental Defense Fund
- Christina Tusan, Los Angeles City Attorney's Office
- Jackie Bowen, Speaker, Executive Director of the Clean Label Project
- P. Renée Wicklund, Esq., Speaker, Senior Of Counsel with Richman Law & Policy
- Webinar
- 0KN71
- Food, Drug & Cosmetic Law Section