Placing a Spotlight on Police Discipline in NYS with a Focus on Racial Injustice Claims Against Police (Webinar)
In this webinar, we will address the following:
· Overview of the various disciplinary procedures for New York State Police Officers.
· Discussion of whether the existing procedures are effective.
· A review of State and local legislative and regulatory changes in response to many of the recent local and national incidents of racial injustice involving police officers and how these changes may impact police discipline in New York State.
· Union and management advocates critique the recent New York State legislative changes.
· Examination of specific cases involving police misconduct claims against black and brown people. We will hear from advocates and arbitrators with extensive experience handling police discipline to discuss how frequently they’ve had these cases, whether the outcomes in such cases were appropriate, whether we should be handling these cases differently than we have in the past and what we can collectively do to improve these cases.
· A presentation by distinguished University of Minnesota labor law professor/arbitrator Stephen F. Befort reviewing empirical studies of just cause disciplinary outcomes of more than 2,000 cases in a variety of industries compared to an analysis of just cause disciplinary outcomes in police discipline cases.
· What are the next steps those of us working in the police arbitration community can take to assure that all incidents of racial injustice involving police are addressed in the fairest manner possible?
· What can we in the police arbitration community do to improve the culture so that claims of racial injustice against police officers get addressed? (e.g., assuring that the penalties for coverups of racial injustice are just as severe as the incidents themselves, etc.).
Sponsored by:
- Labor and Employment Law Section
Co-sponsored by:
- Local and State Government Law Section
- Task Force on Racial Injustice and Police Reform
- November 9, 2020
- 1:00 PM
- 5:00 PM
- 3.0
- 0.5
- 3.5
- Virtual Participation
- Disciplinary Procedures for Police in New York State and Their Effectiveness
- Recent Legislative Changes In New York in Response to Incidents of Racial Injustice Involving Police and How the Changes May Impact Police Discipline.
3.5 MCLE Credits (3.0 PP, 0.5 Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias)
1:00 – 1:10 p.m.
Opening Remarks Framing the Issues for Presentation and Discussion
Jay M. Siegel, Esq.
Cold Spring, NY
Timothy S. Taylor, Esq.
Albany, NY
1:10 – 2:10 p.m.
Disciplinary Procedures for Police in New York State and Their Effectiveness
Elayne G. Gold, Esq.
Roemer Wallens Gold & Mineaux
Albany, NY
Ronald G. Dunn, Esq.
Gleason, Dunn, Walsh & O’Shea
Albany, NY
Shani C. Mitchell, Esq.
City of Rochester
Rochester, NY
(1.0 Areas of Professional Practice)
2:10 – 2:40 p.m.
Why More Changes Are Needed in Order to Reduce Incidents of Racial Injustice Involving Police
A Former Prosecutor Who Now Practices Labor Law and Criminal Law Focuses on Some of His Experiences to Explain Why More Changes Are Needed in Order to Reduce Incidents of Racial Injustice Involving Police.
Richard J. Washington, Esq.
Law Office of Richard J. Washington
New York, NY
(0.5 Areas of Professional Practice)
2:40 – 2:55 p.m. Break
2:55 – 3:55 p.m.
Experiences with Past Racial Injustice Cases Involving Police and New Approaches Toward Handling These Cases
Experienced Labor Relations Professionals Discuss Their Experiences with Past Racial Injustice Cases Involving Police and New Approaches Toward Handling These Cases.
Ronald G. Dunn, Esq.
Gleason, Dunn, Walsh & O’Shea
Albany, NY
Jeffrey M. Selchick, Esq.
Albany, NY
Shani C. Mitchell, Esq.
City of Rochester
Rochester, NY
(1.0 Areas of Professional Practice)
3:55 – 4:05 p.m. Break
4:05 – 4:35 p.m.
Comparing Just Cause Outcomes in Police Discipline Cases with Just Cause Outcomes Involving Employees in Other Industries
A Review of a Large Study Comparing Just Cause Outcomes in Police Discipline Cases with Just Cause Outcomes Involving Employees in Other Industries.
Stephen Befort, Professor/Arbitrator
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN
(0.5 Areas of Professional Practice)
4:35 - 5:00 p.m.
Next Steps to Assure that Incidents of Racial Injustice Involving Police are Addressed in the Fairest Manner Possible at Arbitration
Timothy S. Taylor, Esq.
Albany, NY
Jay M. Siegel, Esq.
Cold Spring, NY
(0.5 Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias)
5:00 p.m. Adjourn
- Jay M. Siegel, Moderator, Arbitrator
- Timothy S. Taylor, Moderator, Arbitrator
- Prof. Stephen Befort, Speaker, University of Minnesota School of Law
- Ronald G. Dunn, Speaker, Gleason, Dunn, Walsh & O’Shea
- Elayne G. Gold, Speaker, Roemer Wallens Gold & Mineaux
- Shani C. Mitchell, Speaker, City of Rochester
- Jeffrey M. Selchick, Speaker, Arbitrator
- Richard J. Washington, Speaker, The Law Offices of Richard J. Washington
- Webinar
- 0JL11
- Labor & Employment Law Section