Preparing For Arbitration: What To Include In The Arbitration Agreement, Selecting An Arbitrator, Discovery And Preparing For An Effective Proceeding (Webinar)

Topics covered:
What should be in an arbitration agreement?
How specific should the agreement be?
How to go about selecting an arbitrator?
What discovery should one seek in an arbitration?
How to prepare for an effective arbitration proceeding
…and more
Start Date:
- June 8, 2020
Start Time:
- 2:00 PM
End Time:
- 3:00 PM
Skills Credit(s):
- 1.0
Total Credit(s):
- 1.0
- Virtual Participation
- Robert Jossen, Robert Jossen P.C.
- Webinar
Product Code:
- 0HQ51
Sponsoring Committee Group
- Dispute Resolution Section