Reimagining Cannabis Regulation: Rescheduling vs. Descheduling

As the legal landscape surrounding cannabis continues to evolve, there is considerable debate and discussion regarding the classification of cannabis under federal law. Currently, cannabis is classified as a Schedule I controlled substance under the Controlled Substances Act, which presents various challenges and implications for individuals, businesses, and communities. The discussion aims to explore the merits, drawbacks, and potential consequences of two distinct approaches: rescheduling cannabis to a lower schedule within the existing framework or descheduling cannabis entirely. We seek to delve into the legal, social, and economic implications of each approach, considering perspectives from experts in law, policy, and advocacy.
- May 7, 2024
- 1:00 PM
- 2:15 PM
- 1.5
- 1.5
- Virtual Participation
- Kellie Rivera, Esq., The Cannabist Company Holdings, Inc.
- Cat Packer, Drug Policy Alliance
- Tina Papagiannopoulos, Esq., Foley Hoag LLP
- Moderator: Cecilia Oyediran, Esq., Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations
- Cristina Buccola, Esq., Cristina Buccola Counsel Pllc
- Webinar
- 0NW51
- Committee on Continuing Legal Education
- Cannabis Law Section