Service Animals and Service Members: Understanding the Legal Requirements and Challenges
Our Service Members and Veterans see and have seen things most of us only know from the movies. The issues and injuries that came from their service often create a need for assistance that is met by Service Animals. Our panelists will discuss what it means for an animal to legally qualify as a Service Animal, who is entitled to receive assistance from one, where that animal can go with its owner, the accommodation requirements, and the challenges facing establishments and building owners with knowing who is entitled to exercise those rights because of the many who don't follow the law.
Start Date:
- December 16, 2020
Start Time:
- 2:00 PM
End Time:
- 3:00 PM
Areas Of Professional Practice Credit(s):
- 1.0
Total Credit(s):
- 1.0
- Virtual Participation
- Christopher L. Sweetwood, AKC Board of Directors, Class of 2022
- Chad Lennon, Esq., Director, Veterans and Servicemembers’ Rights’ Clinic
- Webinar
Product Code:
- 0JY11
NYSBA Member Price:
Join (or renew) for special member pricing
Non-Member Price:
Sponsoring Committee Group
- Committee on Veterans