Solos and Small Firm Lawyers Conference Part One: Practicing in the New World
This year we have two half-day sessions a month apart. Each includes important topics covered by well known, expert speakers. You won’t want to miss it.
On Monday September 20,2021, part one of the Solos and Small Firm Lawyers Conference focuses on personal tools and activities: new normal communication protocols, creating an ethical, effective LinkedIn presence, personal reputation management, and a guide to activities that will build your brand and your practice.
Current issues will be addressed in this exciting program including the following agenda topics:
New Normal Communication with Clients, Colleagues and Prospects
How do people want to communicate now that masks are off? Are they still working remotely, returning to the office or on a hybrid schedule? What are the best practices for restoring the lines of communication you had in 2019?
Build Your LinkedIn Presence Ethically and Effectively
LinkedIn is the place for lawyers to be to find colleagues and contacts who may become key parts of their business generating network. Activity can take as little as 15 minutes a day or as much as you want. Learn best practices for using LinkedIn to develop business and business-related resources.
Protecting Your Online Reputation – Tips for Lawyers in Reputation Management
What to do and what not do to for lawyers to ensure an intact online reputation in the new normal.
Ethical Best Practices: Attorney Outreach Activities
Follow five essential best practices for communicating your value to clients, referral sources and colleagues: networking, online client reviews, website, being a source to reporters and showcasing your expertise.
- September 20, 2021
- 9:00 AM
- 1:00 PM
- 1.5
- 2.0
- 0.5
- 4.0
- Virtual Participation
- Carol Schiro Greeenwald, Ph.D., MarketingPartners
- Nancy Schess, Esq., Klein Zelman Rothermel Jacobs & Schess LLP
- Janet L. Falk, Falk Communications and Research
- Gyi Tsakalakis, Esq., AttorneySync
- Allison C. Shields Johs, Esq., Legal Ease Consulting, Inc.
- Webinar
- 0LB31
- Committee on Law Practice Management
- Committee on Continuing Legal Education