The Child-Parent Security Act In Action: Overview And Practice Tips
The Child-Parent Security Act took effect on February 15, 2021. It clarifies legal parentage of children conceived through Assisted Reproduction, gives parents the option of obtaining a Judgment of Parentage in a simple, streamlined process, and permits compensated gestational surrogacy for the first time in New York. Practitioners describe their experiences with the CPSA and how it has impacted their clients.
- June 22, 2021
- 10:00 AM
- 11:00 AM
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- Virtual Participation
- Mariette Geldenhuys, Esq., Speaker, Mariette Geldenhuys, Attorney at Law
- Joseph R. Williams, Esq., Speaker, Copps DiPaola Silverman, PLLC
- Webinar
- 0KV51
- Family Law Section