Practice Area: Criminal Law

NYSBA Commends Governor For Signing Less Is More Act

New York State Bar Association President T. Andrew Brown today applauded Gov. Kathy Hochul for signing the Less is More Act – a vitally important piece of reform legislation that will end reincarceration for individuals alleged to have committed technical parole violations.

New York Criminal Law Newsletter – Vol. 19 No. 2

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New York State Bar Association President Andrew Brown Calls on State Legislature To Pass Less is More Act Prior to Session’s End

New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) President T. Andrew Brown today issued an emphatic call for state lawmakers to pass the Less is More Act, a crucial piece of reform legislation that would end reincarceration for individuals alleged to have committed technical parole violations: “The current parole system is the single largest factor in mass … Continued

New York Criminal Law Newsletter – Vol. 19 No. 1

The following content is restricted to members only. Please login in order to view. If you are not a member and are interested in becoming one today click here. If you are currently logged on to the NYSBA website and still unable to access the Members Only section of the website, clear the cookies and … Continued