Practice Area: Law Practice Management

Legal Culture Must Change for Attorneys to Thrive

The definition of “culture,” according to Merriam-Webster, is the “set of values, conventions, or social practices associated with a particular field, activity, or societal characteristic.” Put more simply, culture is the way we operate. It is defined by our behaviors, not our mission or business statements. In looking at the culture of the legal profession, … Continued

How the Profession I Love Took a Toll on My Health

Being a lawyer is stressful in the best of times. Rates of mental illness, fatigue, substance use and other health issues are higher for those in the law than in any other profession. I recognize this firsthand, as the profession has exacted a physical toll on me. I am a Type 2 diabetic who takes … Continued

Connecting with Clients During COVID-19

When you think about your practice, the most important part is your clients.  And now is the perfect time to connect and reconnect with clients. Carol Schiro Greenwald, Ph.D., discussed simple ways to effectively connect and communicate with clients on the recent CLE webinar, “Do Your Clients Know You Care?” Greenwald said that as COVID-19 … Continued

COVID-19 and Your Law Firm: Present and Future

It’s crucial for firms to address the problems they’re facing in the present moment, as well as to prepare for the future of the firm as the pandemic continues — and for when life eventually goes back to relative normalcy.

Ethics Opinion 1184

Topic: Freelance or per diem attorney; trade names; maintenance of bank accounts and records conflicts

Networking, Marketing, and Ethics: What You Need to Know

It’s a myth that the NYS Rules of Professional Conduct curtail ethical business development activities. They actually encourage truthful, transparent, knowledge-focused marketing initiatives. As the Preamble to the Rules states: A lawyer should further the public’s understanding of and confidence in the rule of law and the justice system because, in a constitutional democracy, legal institutions depend … Continued