Practice Area: Miscellaneous

Grants for Rescues and Shelters From the Companion Animal Capital Fund: A Conversation with Libby Post of the NYS Animal Protection Federation

Members of the New York State Bar Association Committee on Animals and the Law hosted a podcast to educate the community on grant funding available for animal shelters and rescue organizations. The New York State Companion Animal Capital Fund is available for municipal and non-profit animal shelters and for non-residence based non-profit rescues to help defray some … Continued

The Growing Use of Meditation at Work

When you think of meditation, an image of sitting cross legged on a yoga mat in a spa may come to mind. Increasingly, professionals are finding time to practice meditation without leaving the workplace. Over the past year, nearly 300 members of the New York State Bar Association have participated in the Mindful Moments Meditation … Continued

New York State Bar Association Recognizes Legal Professionals for Commitment to Mental Health and Recovery

The New York State Bar Association honored former Kings County Supreme Court Justice Sarah “Sallie” Krauss and William “Bill” Keenan for their commitment to the association’s Lawyer Assistance Program, which supports lawyers and legal staff dealing with mental illness and substance use issues. “Justice Sarah Krauss and William Keenan both embody the principles of the … Continued

Let’s Get Physical: Get Moving for Attorney Well-Being

New York prides itself on being a sophisticated jurisdiction. Its transactional lawyers structure deals that are cutting edge. Its litigators craft novel arguments that are considered by learned courts. New York law governs contracts throughout the world. Now through the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA), New York offers its legal community a cutting-edge path … Continued

Dismantling Walls To Encourage Diversity in the Legal Profession

It is impossible to quantify the chilling effect that criminal record screening has on young people who have the necessary talent and ambition to become lawyers but who come from communities that are under-resourced and over-policed, making them less likely to seek to become members of the bar.