Category: Latest News

Balancing Juror Security With the Right to a Fair Trial

In this age of instant access to all forms of information and the resulting personal security concerns, courts are called upon to balance the privacy rights of citizens constitutionally called to duty as jurors in a criminal case against the right of fellow citizens to invade their privacy under the Constitution and common law.[1] In 2018, I represented the … Continued

New York State Bar Association Commends Legislature For Passing Law Easing Burdensome Record-Keeping Regulations on Notaries

New York State Bar Association President Domenick Napoletano released the following statement after the state Legislature passed the notary reform bill A07241A/S8663: “New York State regulations mandated that notaries keep records of every transaction for 10 years. It was so difficult and time consuming that many attorneys chose to stop doing notary work altogether. We … Continued

Yonit Calmanovich To Start Tenure As Israel Chapter Co-Chair of the New York State Bar Association’s International Section

The New York State Bar Association is building its standing in the international legal community with a surge of new members in its Israel chapter. Yonit Calmanovich, an attorney based in Tel Aviv and the head of the Israel Bar Association’s international department, will serve as the chapter’s new co-chair. She was also recently chosen … Continued

The National Ban on Post-Employment Noncompete Clauses – What To Do Now?

“Noncompete clauses are now banned in the United States.” “Noncompete clauses aren’t going away anytime soon.” I have heard both of these statements in the weeks since April 23, 2024, when the Federal Trade Commission announced that it was issuing its final noncompete clause rule.[1] For the moment, neither statement is true . . . … Continued

Resolving Disputes Online? Ensure Your Services Are Disability Accessible

Dispute resolution professionals have increasingly relied on technology to promote and provide services in recent years. COVID-19 accelerated the adoption and reliance on communication technologies like Zoom and Teams, which have been professional lifesavers for many. Although everyone experienced a learning curve, some dispute resolution providers and participants—and especially some persons with disabilities (PWDs)—found the … Continued

Pro Bono Volunteers Needed: Help Human Trafficking Survivors

Lawyers looking for pro bono work have many opportunities to help survivors of human trafficking. A Continuing Legal Education course presented by the New York State Bar Association detailed the immense need for volunteers to aid survivors with legal assistance on issues such as immigration, housing, credit, criminal proceedings and much more. The speakers were: … Continued

President-Elect Kathleen Sweet Focuses on Retaining and Attracting New Members

President-Elect Kathleen Sweet is focusing on supporting the New York State Bar Association’s new president and developing a framework for the association’s future success. “I initially want to support Domenick Napoletano and his presidency while down the road my focus will be on serving our membership so we may continue to retain them while attracting … Continued