Category: Latest News

Ten Things You Don’t Know About President Domenick Napoletano

You may think you know Domenick Napoletano. Here are ten little-known facts about this first-generation American and the son of Italian immigrants. 1, He was the first in his family to graduate elementary school. 2. This native son of Brooklyn grew up not far from the Brooklyn waterfront where his father worked as a longshoreman. … Continued

President Richard Lewis Reflects on a Groundbreaking Year

President Richard Lewis reflects on his groundbreaking year as president and the initiatives he took to combat anti-Asian hate and antisemitism, preserve diversity and keep funding flowing to legal services programs. He also shares how the year has changed him both personally and professionally. In an extensive interview with Miranda Warnings host, David Miranda,  Lewis … Continued

Image-Generative AI: Has Technology Evolved Beyond Modern-Day Fair Use?

Introduction Copyright is uniquely situated between the force of law and the pressure of an ever-evolving society. Since its inception, courts, legislators, and administrators have had to adjust and recontextualize copyright law to appropriately conform to new technologies and artforms. The latest technology to challenge this pillar of intellectual property law is generative artificial intelligence … Continued

What Happens When a Governor Is Unable to Serve?

When Andrew Cuomo resigned as governor in August 2021, New York had a constitutional procedure in place to fill that vacancy instantly. Under the constitution, Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul became governor. So far, so good. But what if she became incapable of serving?  Who would make that determination, and how? New York is one of … Continued

NY Extends Online Skills Courses for New Attorneys

The New York State CLE Board has extended the deadline for the changes to format restrictions applicable to newly admitted attorneys for Skills CLE credit and the approval of all Accredited Providers to offer CLE programs in certain non-traditional formats through December 31, 2024. For more information, go here.