Category: News Releases

State Bar Association Launches Emergency Task Force To Assist Solo Practitioners, Small Law Firms, Impacted by Coronavirus

The New York State Bar Association is establishing an emergency COVID-19 Task Force to Assist Solo Practitioners and Small Firms as they weather and prepare to recover from the severe economic crisis created by the coronavirus and its dramatic impact on the entire economy – including the practice of law. “COVID-19 is having a devastating … Continued

Statement From State Bar President Henry M. Greenberg Condemning Bias Incidents Relating To Coronavirus Aimed At Persons Of Asian & Jewish Descent

Recent reports of bias incidents relating to coronavirus aimed at persons of Asian and Jewish descent are deeply disturbing. The New York State Bar Association strongly condemns these acts and we call on the appropriate authorities to act immediately and forcefully to address them. Our Task Force on Domestic Terrorism and Hate Crimes, chaired by … Continued

New York State Bar Association Task Force Convenes On Emergency Basis To Consider Alternatives To The July Bar Examination

The New York State Bar Association’s (NYSBA) Task Force on the New York State Bar Examination is convening on an emergency basis to consider whether it’s possible to administer the Uniform Bar Examination in July in New York. The task force, chaired by Alan Scheinkman, the presiding justice of the Appellate Division, Second Department, is … Continued

State Bar Association Creates Comprehensive Coronavirus Online Resource for Legal Profession

With the shutdown of most of New York State’s businesses and the transformative impact it is having on the legal profession, the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) has launched a comprehensive one-stop webpage that will be updated continuously to serve as a resource for policymakers, journalists and members. “As courts and the legal profession respond to … Continued

Statement From State Bar Association President Henry M. Greenberg Regarding Proposal From Senate Judiciary Chair Brad Hoylman To Suspend Laws Pursuant To Executive Law Section 29-A Regarding Statutes Of Limitations And Other Legal Matters

NYSBA President Henry M. Greenberg issued the following statement today regarding a proposal by New York State Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Brad Hoylman – and co-signed by a number of other senators – to temporarily suspend laws pursuant to Executive Law Sec. 29-a to toll all statutes, local laws, ordinances, orders, and rules or regulations … Continued

State Bar Makes Recommendations to Address Lawyer Shortage in New York’s Rural Areas

Loan repayment reforms, tuition assistance programs, relaxing residency requirements for public positions and raising hourly rates for assigned counsel are among the recommendations made by a New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) report that addresses the state’s rural justice crisis. The report and recommendations of the Task Force on Rural Justice will be presented to NYSBA’s … Continued